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  • Writer's pictureHamid Pasha

B2B advertising: Use white papers to increase conversion rates

If you are running ads for a B2B service and struggling with conversion rates, consider offering white papers and downloadable material to your website visitors.

While contact forms are usually a more common type of landing page for B2B advertising (and rightfully so), but they don't always work for every keyword.

In B2B campaigns, there are usually some keywords that convert well and some that do not. Offering eBook to your website visitors instead of asking them to just to fill in a contact form will increase your conversion rates.

Gated content such as industry reports can increase volume and conversion rates, and bring more leads for you to follow up later.

Although you should expect a less proportion of those leads to be likely to convert into clients compared to the leads coming from contact forms which are higher quality.

Posted by: Hamid Pasha

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