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  • Writer's pictureHamid Pasha

How to Set a Max CPC Cap for Target CPA and Target ROAS Bidding Strategy in Google Ads

Updated: Apr 7

Are you looking to improve your control over costs and optimize your campaign performance in Google Ads? If so, you might want to consider setting a max CPC cap for your target CPA bidding strategy using Portfolio bidding strategies. This approach can help you achieve your target CPA goals while maintaining better control over your costs.

In this post, we'll walk you through the steps to set a max CPC cap for target CPA bidding strategy using Portfolio bidding strategies in Google Ads. Let's dive in.

Watch the following video for a hands-on tutorial on settings max CPC for target CPA or target ROAS bidding strategies.

Understanding Target CPA Bidding

First, let's define what target CPA bidding is and how it works in Google Ads. Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition) is a bidding strategy that sets bids to help you get as many conversions as possible at your target CPA. Google Ads uses machine learning to optimize bids and target the best audiences based on your target CPA and other signals.

Target CPA bidding can be useful for businesses with a clear idea of their customer lifetime value or specific lead generation goals. To set a target CPA that's aligned with your business goals, consider factors such as profit margins, ad spend, and conversion rates.

Using Portfolio Bidding Strategies

Portfolio bidding strategies are a set of bidding strategies that allow you to manage bids across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. Portfolio bidding strategies are designed to help you optimize your bids based on your campaign goals and performance.

There are several Portfolio bidding strategies available in Google Ads, including Target impression share, Target ROAS, and Enhanced CPC. Using a Portfolio bidding strategy can help you achieve your target CPA goals by better optimizing your bids and giving you more control over your campaign performance.

Setting a Max CPC Cap for Target CPA Bidding Strategy using Portfolio Bidding Strategies

To set a max CPC cap for target CPA bidding strategy using Portfolio bidding strategies, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Google Ads account and select the campaign you want to set a max CPC cap for.

  2. Click on the "Settings" tab and select "Bidding."

  3. Under "Bid strategy," select "Target CPA" and choose your target CPA.

  4. Under "Portfolio bid strategy," select the strategy you want to use.

  5. Click on "Edit" next to your Portfolio bid strategy and scroll down to "Additional settings."

  6. Under "Additional settings," find the "Max CPC bid limit" and enter your desired max CPC cap.

  7. Click "Save."

You can set the a CPC cap for target ROAS bidding strategy using the same method explained above.

Tips for Monitoring and Adjusting your Max CPC Cap

To make sure your max CPC cap is working effectively, here are some tips for monitoring and adjusting your cap:

  • Analyze performance data regularly to identify trends and opportunities for optimization.

  • Test different strategies to see what works best for your campaign goals.


Setting a max CPC cap for target CPA bidding strategy using Portfolio bidding strategies in Google Ads can help you achieve your target CPA goals while maintaining better control over your costs. By using Portfolio bidding strategies and following the steps outlined in this post, you can optimize your bids and improve your campaign performance. Try it out and see the results for yourself!

Do you need help running your Google Ads campaigns? Contact me through this form.

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