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  • Writer's pictureHamid Pasha

What is TOF, MOF, BOF in Facebook Ads?

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

You are probably familiar with sales funnel and have seen many graphics depicting sales funnel in different ways.

In advertisement world, the sales funnel is generally consisted of three layers:

• TOF (Top of the Funnel)

• MOF (Middle of the Funnel)

• BOF (Bottom of the Funnel)

In this post, I will explain what each layer of sales funnel is and how you should use them in your Facebook Ads structure.

TOF (Top of the Funnel):

TOF is the first layer of the marketing funnel. Top of the funnel audience are the biggest and broadest audience who probably haven’t heard about your products before. In TOF advertising, you focus on awareness, letting people know who you are and what you offer so that they get familiar with your brand.

In this stage, you will focus on a problem that people are facing. TOF is a cognitive stage in the funnel where people are not ready to make a purchase yet. People in TOF stage are considered as cold audience.

MOF (Middle of the Funnel):

The second stage of advertising funnel is called middle of the funnel. MOF is a consideration phase containing warm audience who are already aware of your brand and are highly interested in your products. They have already engaged with your product in one way or another, such as people who have already visited your website or have subscribed to your newsletter.

In MOF stage, you show a solution to people. It is an emotional phase in sales funnel in which people are interested in what you offer. They WANT your product.

BOF (Bottom of the Funnel):

BOF are hot audience that are ready to make final decision and purchase your product. They have already shown a high interest in your offer but for whatever reason did not convert to customer. You want to retarget these hot audience and make a new offer.

The actual sales can happen in any stage of the funnel. However, the more people get closer to the lower stage, the more likely they are to make a purchase. This is why the audience in BOF are very precious and you don’t want to miss on them, because they already know your products, they have already shown interest, and they are ready to buy.

How to use TOF, MOF, and BOF in your Facebook advertising

Facebook audience for TOF

The following campaign objectives are generally good to go for a TOF campaign:

Brand Awareness: According to Facebook, the brand awareness objective is when you want to show ads to people who are more likely to recall them.

Engagement: The engagement campaign is to get more people to see and engage with your post or page.

Conversions: Regardless of the audience in your different funnel stages, you could always use conversion as your campaign objective. Conversion objective in Facebook Ads is to drive valuable actions on your website.

For the audience selection, you could use interest-based targeting, or just run the campaign based on the location and age of the users and do not select any interest-based audience.

Lookalike Audience (LAA) is another good option to use in a TOF campaign. A lookalike audience on Facebook is to show your ads to new people who share similar characteristics to your existing customers.

Facebook audience for MOF

The audience that you choose for your MOF campaign are people who have already engaged with your business in a way. You could create a custom audience of potential customers on Facebook, or upload a spreadsheet of people that you already have access to (such as email subscribers).

Some of the examples of MOF audience are:

• People who engaged with your posts/page on Facebook

• People who engaged with your posts/page on Instagram

• Previous website visitors

• Email subscriptions list

Facebook audience for BOF

The people in BOF are highly interested in your product but haven’t made the purchase yet. Some of the custom audience to use in a BOF campaign are:

• Add to Cart (people who added the products on your website to their cart but didn’t purchase)

• Initiate checkout (people who initiate checkout on your website but didn’t purchase)

• Add payment information (people who added payment information on your website but didn’t purchase)

For BOF audience, you might want to show a different creative than TOF or MOF audience, as BOF audience have already know about your product. A new offer (such as coupon or free shipping) could so enthuse the BOF audience to make a purchase.

Facebook Ads Funnel
The audience to use in different stages of sales funnel on Facebook Ads


You don’t always have to use all stages of sales funnel in your Facebook advertising. Especially for MOF and BOF audience, you need to have enough visitors/data on your website so that you can create custom audience on Facebook.

But when possible, it’s always good to have a long-term strategy of campaign structure on Facebook so that you know how to move the people into your bottom-layer sales funnel stage.

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